Oracle has launched a global-first accelerator program in Bangalore to incubate startups. The announcement closely follows CEO Safra Catz’s of a $400 million investment to expand the Bangalore technology center.
Called the Oracle Startup Cloud Accelerator, the program will incubate 5-6 early-stage technology startups building innovative solutions through a six-month acceleration period that will give them access to mentoring, co-working space, access to Oracle’s customers, partners and investors, and free credits on its Oracle Cloud platform, reports the Times of India.
The center was inaugurated by Oracle’s president of product development Thomas Kurian. “Through the Oracle Startup Cloud Accelerator and the growing popularity of cloud as an alternate computing model, we want to be the catalyst for new business ideas,” Kurian said. Over time, this program will be launched in other eight cities, including Chennai, Hyderabad and Mumbai.