
Chemical Companies in India

Chemical Companies in India

Chemical Companies in India: India’s chemical industry, one of the oldest domestic industries in India, has been contributing significantly to both the industrial and economic growth of the country since independence was achieved in 1947.  From cosmetics and toiletries to plastics and pesticides, India’s chemical industry currently produces nearly 70,000 commercial products. The industry covers a large spectrum of categories including inorganic and organic chemicals, drugs and pharmaceuticals, plastics and petrochemicals, dyes and pigments, fine and specialty chemicals, pesticides and agrochemicals and fertilizers.

India is ranked 13th in the world for exports of pesticides and disinfectants, producing more than 1,000 tons of pesticides annually. In terms of volume, India ranks 12th largest producer of chemicals in the world. Also, the agrochemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical sectors are amongst the fastest growing in the economy. Accounting for 12.5 percent of the country’s total industrial production and 16.2 percent of the total exports from the Indian manufacturing sector, bringing the estimated total worth to $28 billion.

Having a strong focus on modernization, the Indian government actively promotes the advancement of the domestic chemical industry. Policy, planning, development, and regulation of the industry is all coordinated by the Department of Chemicals and Petro-chemicals, which has been part of the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers since 1991.

Several organizations in the private sector are working towards growth of the industry and the export of Indian chemicals. Among these are the Indian Chemical Manufacturers Association, the Chemicals and Petrochemicals Manufacturers Association, and the Pesticides Manufacturers and Formulators Association of India.

  • 20 Microns Ltd
  • ABR Organics
  • Acme Synthetic
  • Advaitya Dye Chem
  • Afco Industrial & Chemcials Ltd
  • Aimco Pesticides
  • Alkyl Amines Chemicals Ltd
  • Allied Resins & Chemicals Ltd
  • Alpanil Industries
  • Chemplast Sanmar
  • Galaxy Surfactants
  • GHCL
  • Gulshan Polyols
  • Hindustan Insecticides Limited
  • Indo German Carbons
  • Jainco Inks & Chemicals
  • Jyoti Chemical
  • Kadakia
  • Mahindra Ashtech
  • Tata Chemicals

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