During the Russia-India summit in New Delhi on October 5, general director Alexey Likhachev of Rosatom, and the chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission of India, Kamlesh Vyas signed an agreement according to which Russia will build six new nuclear units in India.
- Four S-400 air defense missile systems worth over $5 billion
- Another refurbished Akula Class nuclear-powered attack submarine — to replace INS Chakra — worth over $2 billion
- Four 1135.6 Krivak Class frigates worth $2 billion
- A government-to-government deal to produce AK-103 assault rifles in one of the state-owned ordnance factories
- The manufacture 200 Kamov light utility helicopters at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Bangalore, under an agreement signed during Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Moscow in 2016, worth over $1 billion.