
India, The New Innovation Destination of Choice

India, The New Innovation Destination of Choice

A report titled Digital Dynasties: The Rise of Innovation Empires Worldwide by Paris, France-based technology consulting and services firm Capgemini has listed Bangalore, India, as one of the top five most preferred locations for multinational companies that want to set up innovation centers and harness technology talent.

India, which did not figure in the top 10 list in July 2015, took Tokyo’s spot in February 2016 to stand at fifth place. Globally, 56 innovation centers opened in 20 countries over the past year, and 11 more plan to open soon. Capgemini analysts say that there has been a 29 percent rise in the number of innovation centers in Asia as compared to their previous research.

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Quoting from the report:

India has been rising in the ranks of favorite destinations to open innovation centers. Our previous research identified eight innovation centers in India in July 2015. India has since seen eight more innovation centers open their doors. Bangalore has been the most favored city with four new innovation centers. Bangalore is home to several billion-dollar Indian startups such as: Flipkart, InMobi and Mu Sigma, and attracts world-class technology talent and investments. Among the new innovation centers opened here are: Airbus’ BizLab, which intends to bring together startups and Airbus’ internal entrepreneurs; and Visa, whose new technology center in Bangalore will house 1000 developers accelerating development of next generation payment solutions. Global firms are showing interest in other Indian cities as well. For instance, TriMas Corporation – a diversified global manufacturer of engineered and applied products – opened an innovation center in Delhi to focus on driving innovation across its range of packaging solutions, while Puratos, a leading global food ingredient company, launched an innovation center in Mumbai.



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