India’s Ministry of Finance announced Basic Customs Duty on several imported agricultural products such as shelled almonds, in-shell walnuts, wheat, protein concentrate and textured protein substances. This new tariff applies to all third country suppliers of theses products, and has come into force since May 23, 2018. American almonds and walnuts are exported to India in substantial quantities.
HS 08021200: Almonds, Fresh or Dried, Shelled from $0.95/2.2 pounds to $1.46 /2.2 pounds
HS 08023100: Walnuts, Fresh or Dried, In-Shell from 30 percent to 100 percent
HS 10011900: Durum Wheat, Other Than Seed, from 20 percent to 30 percent
HS 10019910: Wheat and Meslin, not Durum Wheat, Other Than Seed, from 20 percent to 30 percent
HS 21061000: Protein Concentrates from 10 percent to 40 percent
HS 21061000: Protein Concentrates and textured protein substances from 30 percent to 40 percent