India’s first IKEA store will open with over 8,000 home products, and will employ over 800 workers, with women and men expected in equal numbers. In India, where buyers are less likely to assemble furniture on their own, the company has contracted with UrbanClap , to help shoppers put together its furniture.
Do-it-yourself furniture helps businesses save on display and storage space and is relatively easy to transport, but assembling such furniture can be tedious, especially for those unaccustomed to the concept. “DIY is still a new concept in India and we will invest heavily to provide affordable and quality services,” Patrik Antoni, IKEA’s deputy country manager said.
“And we know that services will be a very important part of the IKEA offer. In India, too, we will offer assembly, delivery, and kitchen installation services to create an easy buying experience,” Antoni explained in a post on LinkedIn. “What differs in India is that we expect a much bigger demand for services.”