
Abbott Introduces Mitral Valve Repair Device in India

Abbott Introduces Mitral Valve Repair Device in India

One of the few American companies with a 100-year history in India, Abbott, has launched a new device to treat mitral regurgitation in India. The “Clip Delivery System” is a minimal invasive heart valve repair device that can be used on patients suffering from mitral regurgitation due to a heart defect or as a result of heart failure.

This clip device repairs leaky mitral valves without open-heart surgery and is delivered to the heart through a vein in the leg. The device clips portions of the leaflets, or flaps, of the mitral valve together to reduce the backflow of blood (known as mitral regurgitation, or MR) and restores the heart’s ability to pump oxygenated blood more efficiently.

The company claims that the device has been used on 100,000 people worldwide suffering from MR and is supported results of the landmark COAPT Val Trial published in The New England Journal of Medicine in 2018. “With more than 16 years of clinical experience, Abbott’s mitral clip system is the first and only transcatheter mitral valve therapy with proven safety and survival, and durability of clinical outcomes.”

Abbott Clip Delivery System
Abbott Clip Delivery System

The MitraClip procedure is performed using venous access and real-time imaging  such as echocardiography and fluoroscopy, thereby avoiding cardiopulmonary bypass. The MitraClip device grasps and coapts the mitral valve leaflets, resulting in fixed coaptation (approximation) of the mitral leaflets throughout the cardiac cycle. The Clip Delivery System—introduced into the body through a Steerable Guide Catheter—includes the MitraClip device attached to a maneuverable delivery catheter, with controls at the proximal end.


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