Published by Provisors Newsletter, 31 March 11
Patricia Kotze-Ramos [GLO-GL~SBAY2] informed us that the mention of “Pillow Talk” in our last issue attracted many guests to Global’s February meeting.
Group members collaborated to add to Richard Wortman’s talk about how the proper classification of
imported merchandise can save money. Global Group members Dick Cole Patty Kotze Adam Schorr
Joseph Pacis Gunjan Bagla Jason Ciment and Lejla Hadzimuratovic [GLO-GLIT] contributed to the panel discussion about international commerce. “Pillow Talk” referred to a discussion about how one classification of Toy-of-the-Year Pillow Pet made it duty free while
another subjected it to a 6% import duty.
Bagla of Amritt Inc spoke about how to adapt Pillow Pets to the needs of the Indian market and consumer.