I’ve been humbled by the ten five star reviews accorded to my book ( Doing Business in 21st Century India ) on Amazon. There are many books that present a strongly positive image of India and its potential; words such as Planet, Billions, Arriving, Unbound, as part of their title convey their intent. I set out to write a balanced but passionate book, one that conveyed the energy and potential but also the challenges and difficulties that one might face.
So I was most pleased by the following sentence in a recent review ” Bagla reacts to ‘Indianness’ with surprising neutrality.” Since I am of Indian origin, the review meant to chide me gently for not being more gung-ho about my native country. This is the best compliment I could have received, since it confirms that my book is balanced. You can read the entire review here.
Yesterday I was asked to speak about “The Drivers of India’s Success” as the think tank RAND Corporation. The Asia Society, co-organized the event. I was honored to have another author, Professor SarDesai of UCLA, attend my talk, along with his wife.