The Council on Foreign Relations sponsored an Independent Task Force which released a report titled, “Working with a Rising India: A Joint Venture for the New Century.”
“A rising India offers one of the most substantial opportunities to advance American national interests over the next two decades. U.S. policymakers [should] explicitly emphasize a ‘joint-venture’ model for U.S.-India relations, focused on a slate of shared pursuits on which interests converge – and with clear mechanisms for coordinating and managing the known and expected disagreements. If India can maintain its current growth rate, let alone attain sustained double digits, it has the potential over the next two to three decades to follow China on the path to becoming another $10 trillion economy,” it said.
SiliconIndia News says the task force was made up of 16 prominent experts from government, academic, non-profit, and other sectors who identified four specific areas for joint ventures:
- the cyber domain
- global health
- climate change and clean energy, and
- democracy