Body Shop expands in India! The company said it is stepping up its visibility in India through its new store format named “Pulse.”
Additionally, as part of its India strategy, it is also looking to launch its India-specific coconut hair oil product by the last quarter of the calendar year.
“This may be first time that The Body Shop is launching something exclusively for the Indian market. Coconut oil is intrinsically Indian and we want to have it in our brand portfolio,” Ms. Shriti Malhotra, COO, The Body Shop India, said. The company entered India in 2006. Currently, it has close to 80 stores. “We are targeting about 100 stores by the end of the year,” Ms Malhotra said, adding that the brand’s prime focus will be to be available to large segment of consumers.
What this means:
India’s consumer market is paying rewards to those who have invested effort and time into it. Earlier Amway reported that it planned to double its sales in India to $800 million soon.