Can you sell a car that costs $1.1 million in a country where 65 percent of the population makes under $2 per day. If that country is India, the answer is sure, you can try.
India has 69 dollar billionaires. One of them, Sunil Bharti Mittal, of Airtel, bought a Maybach a few years ago for the wedding of his child. Some reports say that Mukesh Ambani also owns one.
According to the Financial Times, “The Maybach will face stiff competition. Rolls Royce and Bentley already have a strong presence in the country. The former sold 70 cars in 2010. Mercedes hopes the Maybach’s hefty price tag, refined decor and maximum speed of 250km per hour will distingiush it from competitors.”
Takeaway: If you know how to position properly for the Indian market, you can generally sell anything in India’s frenetic economy in 2011. (But it takes courage, flexibility and patience).