India’s Reliance Industries‘ chairman Mukesh Ambani launched the 4G-enabled feature phone, the JioPhone at the company’s annual general meeting. This mobile phone is free for 3 years with a refundable deposit of $23. reports that the 4G VoLTE-enabled JioPhone is packed with features such as:
- Unlimited voice, data, and texts for a data plan of $2.50 per month
- Support for all languages
- It is pre-loaded with Jio apps, a flashlight, an expandable SD card slot, a headphone jack, microphone, speaker and 4-way navigation
- An intelligent voice assistant command option that can help users make calls, use Jio apps, search the web, and more
- It includes an SOS feature and also supports FM Radio
- Its “Jio Phone TV-Cable” can be connected with any television, not just smart TV
The move by Reliance can prove to be the next disruptor in India’s telecom market.