Kongsberg Automotive, Pune plant in India has been awarded a contract for cable gear shift systems for manual transmissions from an unnamed Indian commercial vehicle manufacturer. The $30million contract is for four years for the New Generation Truck platform – multiple models -which the supplier says is a “breakthrough for KA in the Indian commercial vehicle market.”
Total vehicle volume in the program is expected to reach 80 000 units annually and is scheduled to be launched in the first quarter of 2013. The entire assembly will be produced at KA’s facility in Pune, India. “KA is a proven, world-class manufacturer of premium ‘man to machine’ interface systems, and this OEM recognises that,” said Kongsberg Automotive VP sales & marketing, Hakon Amundsen. “KA is now positioned for further growth with this customer having already been awarded a similar application for their rear engine buses.”
Kongsberd Automotive USA is an Amritt client. The above information is taken from public sources and we have no special knowledge of this particular deal outside of media reports.