Engineers in India, working for Indian and foreign companies, are starting to produce innovative products and technologies that have impact beyond its borders.
One such development is a system that uses thermal sensors and algorithms to calculate the number of people entering a store at a given time and when they are likely to leave. The system, designed at Tesco plc’s Service Center in Bangalore, helps managers keep an efficient number of cash registers open so check-out lines do not get too long.
Another invention, called Multipoint, targeting the classroom, gives multiple students a mouse cursor to use on one computer screen. Previously, the result of one computer in a classroom, even at a rural school, was one student, usually an upper-class male, using the computer more than the rest of the class. Microsoft Research is now considering the system, , for commercial development.
These stories are becoming more and more prevalent; it is an encouraging sign for anyone considering opening or expanding an India R&D center