
India Joins Three of Four IPEF ‘Pillars’

India Joins Three of Four IPEF ‘Pillars’

India’s minister for Commerce and Industry, Piyush Goyal, attended the first in-person ministerial meeting of the two-day Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), which concluded in Los Angeles on September 10.

The framework is structured around four pillars relating to trade, supply chains, clean economy, and fair economy. India has chosen to opt out from joining the trade pillar of the IPEF at this time, citing legitimate concerns.

After the IPEF ministerial meeting got over, Goyal said, “We were very comfortable with the final outcome and text, and I’ve joined the ministerial declarations on three pillars related to supply chains, tax and anti corruption, and clean energy. On trade, a broader consensus is yet to emerge among nations on issues such as commitments regarding environment, labor, and public procurement. We are not yet clear on the binding commitments of the trade pillar. So we will wait and see what the commitments set out in further deliberations are, and we will act accordingly. “
He added, “India cannot agree on free agriculture trade, but if it is about high standards of export, we are agreeable; India has stood up to its own interest and we can’t be arm-twisted like other smaller countries.

Commenting on India’s decision, Trade Representative Katherine Tai explained, “I won’t say India has opted out of the trade pillar. I will say they are not in right now. The U.S. will hold bilateral talks with India later this year which will cover the same issues.”

U.S. secretary of commerce Gina Raimondo said that the next ministerial meet may happen in the beginning of next year.


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