India celebrated its 63rd Republic Day on January showing off its latest weapons at a military parade in the capital, Delhi. According to the BBC, thousands of people turned up at Rajpath (King’s Avenue) to watch the parade amid tight security. More than 25,000 policemen and paramilitary forces guarded the streets of Delhi and snipers were deployed on high-rise buildings.
The president, Pratibha Patil and the Prime Minster Dr. Manmohan Singh attended the show with the chief guest, Thailand’s Prime Minister Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra. Security was tight across India and thousands of policemen have been deployed in major cities and towns.
Today in California, I am attending a celebration of Republic Day in San Francisco, hosted by Consul General Parthasarthi and his wife.
More photos from the parade in Delhi, hot off the press courtesy of India’s information bureau