In a press interview, Terri Bresenham, President & CEO, GE Healthcare India, who arrived in-country in December 2011, made some interesting revelations. ” India is the first country to have a large number of multinational healthcare providers. There are seven-eight very active MNCs. It opens a whole host of opportunities for us; in capital management, asset management, supply chain management, among others. The opportunities cut across all categories. India is a unique market, always very intriguing. India presents challenging paradigms and gives tremendous opportunities. I see the healthcare sector as one of the biggest business opportunities…we have given a lot of thought to business with a higher level of purpose.”
She went on to tell the Business Standard, “Today, if you combine our service and product service, our revenue is in the ballpark of $400 million. The service segment is roughly 10-15 per cent of our revenue from our operations in India.”