In Beauty and the Beast, Disney‘s film set in France, Britain’s Emma Watson, starring as Belle, wears a beautiful, delicately hand embroidered bodice created by India’s artisans. “They used a technique called ‘Aari work’ which is a very fine chain stitch traditional to the Kutch area of Gujarat,” said assistant costume designer Sinead O’Sullivan. She went on to mention that the style of embroidery “lent itself very nicely to eighteenth century French floral design.”
CNN reports that Anaita Shroff Adajania, fashion director for Vogue India and a stylist in the Indian film industry said, “It’s not just the film industry that’s turning to India. Some of the biggest names in fashion get their work done in the country.”
Former First Lady Michelle Obama wore the creations of Mumbai-born designer Naeem Khan on two occasions while Bibhu Mohapatra from India’s eastern state of Orissa has created outfits for Lupita Nyong’o, Jennifer Lopez and Gwyneth Paltrow.