Imaging devices use visual, ultrasound or electromagnetic technologies to view the human body in order to diagnose, monitor or treat medical conditions. Major medical imaging devices subcategories used in India include:
- Ultrasound for abdominal, peripheral vascular, fetal/uterine applications and Doppler echocardiograms.
- Nuclear medicine devices such as positron emission tomography (PET) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- X-Ray machines such as computerized tomography scanning, mammography, fluoroscopy and angiography
India has 5,500 practicing radiologists today and radiological services are growing at over 16 percent annually. Over 100 million x-rays are conducted each year. There are thousands of CT scanners and many cities have PET scan and MRI machines. Much of the recent growth comes from the expansion of public hospitals, private clinics and diagnostic centers throughout the country, going beyond the Top 6 or 8 urban areas to the top 100 or so.There is a small but growing section of labs who offer low-cost services to labs from overseas.
Subspecialties such as interventional radiology are also growing with almost 400 practitioners in 2014. However, there continues to be shortage of trained medical professionals in India.
The market for new imaging devices in India approaches $1 billion annually in 2014. There is a vibrant need for used medical devices, particularly functional systems from the United States. Global makers of medical imaging devices active in India include Siemens Healthcare, GE Healthcare, Philips, Hitachi and Toshiba.